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Handles for rollers

PhotoHandles for rollers diameter:  6 mm, 8 mm
See what is the symbol of the product
Product Image/Picture Product variations 'EAN' code Symbol
handle small plastic Photo handle "50" small plastic 5905318001013 G1-pl
handle small size Photo handle "50" small size 5905318000894 G1
handle middle size Photo handle "100" middle size 5905318000900 G2
handle middle size - radiator type Photo handle "100" radiator type 5905318000917 G3
handle "150" - fi=6 mm Photo handle "150" 5905318000948 G4-C
handle "180" - fi=6 mm Photo handle "180" 5905318000931 G4-B
handle "250" - fi=6 mm Photo handle "250" 5905318000924 G4-A
handle "180" - fi= 8 mm Photo handle "180" 5905318000931 G'4-B
handle "250" - fi=8 mm Photo handle "250" 5905318002935 G'4-A